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The Transition Neighborhood Field Guide 

Transition is a grassroots organizing process that you can easily start in your neighborhood.  The Transition Field Guide sets out a flexible yet effective method for convening a series of meetings.  It starts with some basic guidelines on how to invite friends and neighbors to an introductory discussion with our regional organizer and / or volunteer facilitators.   You'll figure out where and how to hold a series of meetings in your community.  In the process, you'll have fun meeting your neighbors, learn together, and support each other in implementing practical steps that cut costs, lower carbon emissions and make you and your neighbors more resilient.    
Many of the practical steps will be familiar.  Transition draws together valuable information from many discussions that are often isolated, placing them in a comprehensive framework.  The organizing principles and ingredients empower people to come together so the whole is much more than the sum of its parts.  It also provides a way to attract neighbors who are not already sustainability advocates into community projects.  As the process unfolds, your group is likely to think of next steps and new projects for your community...take the first step.  


To get started, read the Prequel page on assembling a group.  Contact the NYC Hub for assistance, a customized flyer, talking you through any part of the process.


Click on the link below to download a PDF of the first three chapters of the beta version of Field Guide.  


The full Field Guide will be released at our Rockaway community health fair in June.  At the regular Transition meetings at the 15th St. Quaker Meeting House, meet other New Yorkers exploring Transition.  

Guidebook chapters 




1. Let’s Get the Party Started 

2. Concentric Resilience Discovery Mapping 

3. We ALL Deserve the Best: Food Quality, Awareness & Access 

4. The Long Arc of Food Production & Resilience 

5. Recycling ~ Composting ~ Zero Waste

 6. Water Conservation ~Purity ~ Security 

7. The 100-Mile Radius Resilient Response Edge 

8. Efficient Energy Alternatives 

9. Transportation 

10. Do I Really Need That? Money & Conscious Consumption 

11. Neighborhood Resilience Map Critique & Final Touches 

12. Neighborhood Resilience Plan ~ Evaluation ~ Closing




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